Welcome to the World of Healing Gardens & Landscapes
A unique approach to Garden Design.
My Blog will explain my interest in the metaphysical world, and how I incorporate it into designing gardens.
Winter: The Perfect Time to Plan Your Garden
Winter is an ideal season to plan and design your garden, setting the foundation for a beautiful...
Healing Garden Design Sussex
A way out. I thought I would share with you my healing journey…
November in the Garden
November can be that messy time in the garden, with rain, wind…
Back Pain
A way out. I thought I would share with you my healing journey…
Top 5 Trees for a Small Garden
I am often asked which trees are best for small gardens…
Designing A Feng Shui Garden
Feng Shui literally means ‘Wind Water’ and is the study of…
How to Dowse
Dowsing is a type of divination tool which attempts to locate…
How to Design a Garden Pond
Water is life! Things to consider when designing a garden pond…
Sustainable Planting
Planting styles have dramatically changed over many years…
Healing Gardens
What is a Healing Garden? It can be a restorative place, a place of refuge, a…